Before and After

Transforming history to historic

Front Walkway Before

The front fence and gate were in complete disrepair. Entering from the street was perilous at best. Beware: the tree monster!

Street View After

Remove. Repair. Replace. Re-hang. Repaint. Rejoice!!

Street View Before

Hiding behind this thicket of overgrown brush lies a jewel.

Front Walkway After

Naked and afraid.

Mudroom Before

Talk about inviting the outside inside. This is the uninvited outside forcing its way inside.

Pantry After

Viola! Dilapidated mudroom transformed in to a beautiful pantry.

Mudroom Before
Pantry After
Bathroom Before

The north bathroom was in need of tough love.

Bathroom After

Now the north bathroom loves us back.

Sunroom Before

Leveling the sagging sunroom .

Sunroom After

Level and stabilized awaiting backfill and landscaping.

Sunroom Before
Sunroom After
Kitchen Before

Faux copper tacked on the wall.

Kitchen After

Beveled glass subway tile for that elegant look.

Fireplace Before

Smothered in vines. Just a little off the top, bottom and sides please.

Fireplace After

The bald look suits you just fine.

Bamboo Before

Just a little off the top and sides here.

Bamboo After

Ahhh! Refreshing.

Back Patio Before

Ambience is hiding back here somewhere.

Back Patio After

There it is.